Business Brokerage Firm | California Business Owners

Rogerson Business Services assists the owners of privately held businesses with valuing and brokering the sale of their business throughout California. Andrew Rogerson leads it.

Andrew is a business owner of 40+ years. This includes successfully owning and operating 5 businesses. Andrew is a Certified Mergers & Acquisition Professional (CM&AP), Mergers & Acquisition Master Intermediary (M&AMI), Lifetime Certified Business Broker (LCBB), author of 4 books, and is available for speaking presentations on request.

Andrew helps business owners in California value and sell their business in the Lower Middle Market or with Gross Revenue between $2 million and $100 million.

Our Story

Business ownership runs in the family

Andrew Rogerson has been owning and operating businesses in Australia and California since he was 27 years old.  It’s hardly surprising since entrepreneurship is part of his family legacy.  Andrew’s grandfather, FJ Cameron was able to provide some of the finance for his youngest son, Ed Cameron, and a friend, George Bloomfield to help establish the Kenworth truck franchise in Melbourne, Australia in the early 1960s.

The franchise was so successful that Kenworth bought it back from Ed and his older brothers, Les and Don Cameron, and other investors in the early seventies.

Following his family’s footsteps, Andrew bought an international travel agency in 1983 and sold it two years later for 250% of its original price.  Andrew went on to buy and manage two retail office equipment/furniture stores in Melbourne, Australia and finally bought a Los Angeles-based wholesale travel and tourism company with an annual turnover of over $10 million.

Andrew and his wife Anne later bought an Executive Suite business in Fair Oaks, California. Anne was able to operate this business while Andrew served as an outsourced program manager at the Roseville campus of Hewlett-Packard, managing a team of 42 employees, and deploying a new global call center and support team that included web developers, technical writers, and trainers.

As you can see from this lengthy resume, Andrew is well-versed in every aspect of business ownership. This includes finding a good investment to purchase to grow the business rapidly, and finally selling it at a much higher price.

Over time, Andrew has worked to expand his knowledge and qualifications to make every aspect of the buying and selling process easier.

Having the business experience and education, he was able to finally open his own firm to advise and guide other entrepreneurs through this complex process.

This business experience and education allow Andrew to advise his clients on and execute a broad range of services including valuing a businessselling a businesstransaction analysisselling a business with commercial real estate, and, machinery and equipment appraisal.

Congratulations to John Rogerson, AOM.

Congratulations to my brother, John Rogerson for receiving the Medal of the Order (OAM).  The OAM was announced on June 12, 2023, and was given to John for service to the Australian community for alcohol and drug awareness initiatives.

The Medal of the Order, in the Australian honors system, confers the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service.  Read more to find out how it is awarded.


Qualifications and Credentials

Certified Mergers and Acquisition Professional (CM&AP)

from the Kennesaw State University and Coles College of Business, Atlanta, GA and sponsored by M&A Source, the highest designation awarded by that association

Mergers and Acquisition Master Intermediary (M&AMI)

from the M&A Source

Certificate In Private Capital Markets (CIPCM)

from Pepperdine University Graziado Business School

Certificate In Private Capital Markets (CIPCM)

from Pepperdine University Graziado Business School

Certified Business Intermediary (CBI)

from the M&A Source and the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), the highest designation awarded by those associations

Lifetime Certified Business Broker (LCBB)

from the California Association of Business Brokers (CABB)

Expert Equipment Certified Appraiser (EECA)

designation from the Institute of Equipment Valuation

Certified Senior Business Analyst (CSBA)

with the International Society of Business Analysts (ISBA)

Certificate of Taxation

from Los Rios Community College, Sacramento, CA

Past local chair of the Sacramento Chapter of the California Association of Business Brokers (CABB

Rogerson Business Services is a business brokerage firm assisting the owners of privately held businesses throughout California.  Andrew Rogerson leads it. Andrew and his wife have their eldest daughter, Belinda who lives in Australia working for EY, and their youngest daughter, Catherine is a Speech Pathology graduate.  Andrew likes to go deep and fly high in his spare time: that is, he loves scuba diving and has successfully done two solo take-offs and landings pursuing his private pilot’s license.

Andrew also had a radio show on the local Sacramento radio station, 105.5FM.  The show was called Money 2.0. There were over 50 guests including Subject Matter Experts on legal, tax, finance, valuation, and entrepreneurs on Andrew’s show, mainly from Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom, and other cities in Northern California.

All the guests spoke about their area of business expertise including attorneys, CPAs, Personal Financial Planners, Business Coaches, and more.




Business Brokerage Firm | Service with Ethics

The world we live in today automatically requires the need to give and accept the trust, be it in our personal or professional lives. A Business Broker or Intermediary sells no tangible product but offers a service that requires the handling of very personal and commercially sensitive information; therefore, trustworthiness is a necessary and critical trait.

Trust and ethics are an integral part of Andrew Rogerson and the work he chooses to do. Making sure his clients’ needs are met and even putting those needs ahead of his own interests is one of the core reasons Andrew offers to consult and work with you.

Andrew, leading a business brokerage firm is willingly accepts the responsibility as a member of the following organizations and embraces their Code of Ethics. To see in detail the Code of Ethics of each organization, please click on the logo of the organization.

Core values of integrity, trust, regard for confidentiality


As a California Certified Business Broker, Business Consultant, and a professional in business valuations, equipment appraisals, and expert in successfully selling a business. Andrew Rogerson manages with integrity the sale of a privately held business to qualified buyers.

All decisions and actions are guided by the core values of integrity, trust, regard for confidentiality, and respect for all parties in the transaction.

This confidentiality extends to keeping any written material in a secure location, not providing personal or commercially sensitive information of a person or business we represent without their prior approval, and ensuring all confidential information that is stored electronically is done with appropriate safeguards as required by the California Department of Real Estate.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Confidentiality Policy, or about how our business brokerage firm is living up to it (or any other concerns, for that matter) let us know right away. Send us a message by using our contact us form.

Regardless of the circumstance, resolving your concern is our primary objective.

Excellent service is to respect your right to privacy

Privacy Policy

An important cornerstone of our commitment to provide you with excellent service is to respect your right to privacy. Keeping our customers’ information and affairs in the strictest confidence is therefore part of my commitment.

Due to the diverse range of products and services we offer and the constant changes in technology, always keeping your need for privacy is foremost in our mind.

The policies and procedures we practice in order to protect your privacy include the following:

  1. All the information related to your business is kept in the strictest confidence;
  2. Your information (including the name and address of your business) is never sold or made available to any other individuals or interested parties;
  3. You have control over how we use the information we have about your business;
  4. We respect your privacy when we market our own products and services;
  5. Our computer systems have appropriate security settings and firewalls have been established to dissuade hackers and to filter viruses;
  6. Each employee will sign a confidentiality agreement acknowledging that maintaining client confidentiality is a condition of employment;
  7. We have carefully developed de-identified marketing programs to sell our clients businesses; and
  8. All buyers or potential buyers are screened and must sign a confidentiality agreement.
  9. When information is shared with a qualified buyer, secure websites are used to protect the transfer of the confidential information.
Andrew Rogerson


Andrew a certified business broker is the published author of four books on business ownership.

The logic of each book is simple. If you plan to become a business owner or the next successful entrepreneur you have three options. Option one is to start your business from scratch, option two is to buy an existing business and option three is to buy the rights to a franchise. Which option makes the most sense to you?

If you own and operate a business and now decide its time to sell, this book is for you.

Where are you on your business ownership journey? Decide the book that’s right for you, now and in a few clicks you can buy and download it so its ready to read. It’s that simple. Do it now while you are here on this website.

These books allow you to understand how to become a new business owner or alternatively, if its time for you to do something else in life and sell your business, the many steps to follow to sell your business.

The titles of each book that’s ready for you to now buy is:

Successfully book series by Rogerson Business Services

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