Janitorial Services

Janitorial Services

A common type of business services company ia a janitorial services company. These companies service businesses both small and large by cleaning offices, buildings, shops, and even residences. Many of them offer emergency and disaster cleanup services as well. This is an important and thriving part of the business services sector.


Growth in this industry depends a lot on how healthy companies are in general. During times of strong economic growth, janitorial services companies can expect to thrive, and according to First Research, this industry will continue to grow at just over 5% for the foreseeable future. But due to recent current events, janitorial services companies have become more important than ever before..

Future challenges in the industry include the fact that technology and automation are impacting janitorial services as well. Also, there is a lot of consolidation in this area, with large national companies competing for contracts. However, a company that specializes in a particular region or field is often very competitive in the janitorial services industry. Your company may be one of those, and now may be an ideal time to sell.

Selling a Janitorial Services Business in California

At Rogerson Business Services, we have sold many businesses in the state of California, including a window cleaning services business. We’ve sold businesses in a variety of fields and we can help you find the right buyer for your business at the right time. It all starts with a business valuation.

When you are ready to sell your janitorial services company in California, the first step to successfully doing so is gettin a business valuation, which helps you understand what your business is really worth. From there, we work with you to make sure everything is in order and your business is ready to sell. We’ll be with you every step of the way, from buyer inquiries to the escrow and closing process. We want to be your business broker.

If you have questions or would like more information about a specific industry sector, call us today at (916) 570-2674 or click the link on the right to contact us.

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    5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, #101-198
    Carmichael, CA, 95608-5788


    Phone: (916) 570-2674
    Fax: (916) 473-8655



    Buying or selling a business is a complex process – and you shouldn’t go through it alone. You need an experienced business broker to guide you through the process.

    We make buying and selling businesses simple and straightforward. We’re qualified to handle the most complicated aspects on behalf of our clients, ensuring you walk away satisfied.