Tax and selling a business in California

Tax and selling a business

Tax and selling a business

How do you know your tax position when selling a business? Selling a business comes with many moving parts and in addition, many unknown questions. For example, what’s my business worth? How do I know my tax position before I sell my business? How much tax will I have to pay? Can I negotiate the taxes with the buyer of my business?

There are obviously many more questions but part of your goal when selling your business is to get the best price and keep as much as you can. In order to know this information, the best solution is to get a Tax Structuring Report. In addition and more importantly, the information in the Tax Structuring Report will enable you to negotiate with a buyer from a place of strength and not weakness. That is, you can proactively manage reasonable expectations with the buyer as opposed to having the deal crash because you can agree on the price and terms but not the tax consequences.

Introducing Monty Walker

Just as selling a business has many moving parts, so does the tax structure. To provide accurate information it requires not only an experienced CPA but also someone who understands the specific area of the tax code and how it affects both the seller and buyer, the many nuances of negotiating a transaction and how to put all this together so it’s clear for all parties in the transaction.

Monty Walker is located in Texas and specializes in this area of tax advice; helping sellers and buyers obtain the best tax information and put a structure together that’s reasonable to both parties.

Basic Tax Structuring Report sample

If you would like to see a sample Basic Report, please click the following link – Sample Basic Report

Full Tax Structuring Report sample

If you would like to see a sample Full Tax Structuring Report, please click the following link – Full Tax Structuring Report sample

How much do the tax reports cost?

A Basic report costs from $1,200 for a single entity single owner business with up to $3 million in annual sales. A Full report for a single entity, single owner business with up to $3 million in annual sales costs from $2,400. If the legal entity has more than one owner or other complications, call for a price.

More tax information

For a conference in Florida for business intermediaries to attend, Monty put together a PDF with more information. To learn more about the tax structuring reports, please click the following link: More tax information

Engagement Agreement for a tax report

If you would like Monty to put together a tax structuring report for you, please click the following link to see a sample Engagement Agreement:
Engagement Agreement for a Tax Structuring Report

Even more information

If you have questions or would like more information on any of the above services, please call me today at (916) 570-2674 or complete a request for me to contact you.



    5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, #101-198
    Carmichael, CA, 95608-5788


    Phone: (916) 570-2674
    Fax: (916) 473-8655


    Buying or selling a business is a complex process – and you shouldn’t go through it alone. You need an experienced business broker to guide you through the process.

    We make buying and selling businesses simple and straightforward. We’re qualified to handle the most complicated aspects on behalf of our clients, ensuring you walk away satisfied.