Credit Report

There are many reasons to get your Credit Report. Your Credit Report can be critical when buying a business or a franchise and applying for an SBA loan. Or perhaps you plan to ask the seller to carry a Seller’s Note as part of the finance? Or you may need to get approval for a lease from a landlord.
Before you take any of the above steps, check your Credit Report to ensure its accuracy and that there are no mistakes or unknown errors.

Get your Credit Report

Rather than waiting until you are ready to take action, run your Credit Report now to see if there is an error so you can correct it now.

It’s also a good habit to check your Credit Report regularly to ensure your Credit is not being used by someone who has stolen your identity.

Free Credit Report

To help you check your report for free, visit Annual Credit Report or or use the link below. This is a free service if you only order one report from each credit report provider yearly. That is, you can get three free credit reports each year as long as you only order one report each year from each credit reporting agency.

Link to Annual Credit Report website.

Buy a business

If you find a business that interests you, you must complete and return a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or Confidentiality Agreement to me. Please call me if you would like some preliminary information before completing the NDA. I will provide detailed information once you have shown you are financially qualified and we have met and discussed the business in person.

To do this in the most time-effective manner, we have created a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (also called a Confidentiality Agreement) that needs to be completed, signed, and returned to us. You can email or fax this NDA to us or click this link to download it now.

Available meeting places include my Sacramento office or a convenient location.

If you find a business of interest to you and you would like additional information, please call Andrew at (916) 570-2674 or email

More information

The following articles may be of interest to you.

  1. Ten reasons to use a Business Intermediary when buying a business
  2. The many steps to buying a business


If you find a business of interest to you and you would like additional information, please call Andrew at (916) 570-2674 or email

Rogerson Business Services is a business brokerage service based in California.

About Us

Rogerson Business Services is a business brokerage service based in California.

If you are ready to sell your California business, let us know your questions.  Whether you are selling a medical practice, an HVAC business, a landscaping business, or any other business with gross revenue greater than $2 million, contact us today to learn about our successfully selling your business program.

We’re happy to talk with you about the process of selling your business. Give us a call or contact us when you are ready.

Contact Us
