business value
Business valuations

How do I value my business?

The most important place to start if you are thinking of selling your business is to know its value. Almost without exception, a business owner

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Business valuations

How To Increase the Value of a Business

It is normal for a business owner when they plan to sell their business to get a valuation. Often they leave the decision to get a valuation when they plan to sell. This means the opportunity has gone to make some changes or be proactive with strategies that will increase the value of the business.

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Business valuations

Importance of a financial plan for a business owner

Importance of a financial plan for a business owner. Most business owners spend a disproportional amount of time running their business to make sure it’s successful. Similarly, most business buyers, especially those buying a business in their late 30’s and 40’s are doing so because they believe they can earn more as a business owner than as an employee and therefore set themselves up for when they plan to retire.

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Business valuations

Key Performance Metrics

Do you use Key Performance Metrics to run your business? One of the truisms I’ve come to believe wholeheartedly is that no business owner is good at every aspect of owning and operating a business.

To be a little clearer, the skills to own and operate a business are many and varied. What tends to attract a business owner to operate their own business is a self belief that they can do one or two aspects of running a business very well and either hire the skills they lack or learn these with time.

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Business valuations

The Importance of Intangible Assets when Selling a Business

It is important to know what tangible and intangible assets are in business. Knowing the difference and examples of each can help you with your taxes and the transaction of buying or selling a business. Assets can also be a legal matter, in which case it is important to know about legal protection and how they can help you in any business transaction.

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add backs
Business valuations

Add Backs and Selling a Business

An add back is a type of tax deduction that small business are able to claim on their taxes. Understanding them and how they work shows one of the many benefits to owning your own business. This article goes into detail about add backs and how they are used after you decide to buy or start your own business.

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business valuation
Business valuations

Do You Need a Business Valuation for an SBA Loan?

Getting an SBA loan hasn’t always been an easy task and some recent changes have been to require a business valuation in order for the loan to be approved. An SBA lender cannot provide this service, but a third part like a business broker can. The benefits of an SBA loan and reasons for hiring a business broker to help are outlined in this article.

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Your california business broker Andrew Rogerson
Business valuations

5 Lessons Learned from Selling a Business

A business for sale is similar to a house for sale in some respects but very different in others. Some helpful tips to consider when selling your business include: considering commercial real estate, how helpful a team of advisors could be in your journey to sell your business, what assets there are and that the value of all things included in the business are properly valued.

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selling a business starts with business valuation
Business valuations

Selling a business starts with a business valuation

When trying to sell your business, getting an appraisal is beneficial for a number of reasons. Understanding what assets are part of the sale, removing any personal items that aren’t for sale and deciding the worth of your business with a professional ensures success when trying to sell your business. This article outlines the benefits of an appraisal and why it is critical when selling your business.

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Business ready for franchising
Business valuations

Financial statements and business success

To understand your financial statement, you might consider an assessment of where you are right now with your business in terms of sales and goals. A Profit and Loss statement is useful when trying to understand what’s happening with your business and a balance sheet ensures you stay on track with all things going on with your business. These small steps help business owners understand where they are in terms of their financial statements.

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