For sale: Commercial HVAC Business in Sacramento, CA
[table id=10 /]The owner of this Commercial HVAC business located in Sacramento, CA started this business 31 years ago or in 1985 and now it is time to retire.
During the course of his working career, he has built and operated this wonderful commercial HVAC with one exceptionally well trained and motivated employee. To allow the business to operate at the highest standards, the business focuses and keeps things simple allowing the owner to earn not only a high income, but personal time to do the things he enjoys; which is not sitting behind a desk or working all day out in the field.
For sale: Commercial HVAC business for sale in Sacramento, CA
The company provides a range of services in the commercial HVAC industry. These services include:
- Air conditioning,
- Heating,
- Heat pumps,
- Energy Management,
- Computer rooms
This Commercial HVAC business has been servicing the local community in Sacramento with particular focus on the counties of Sacramento, Yolo, Placer and El Dorado Hills.
This focus presents an opportunity for a new and enthusiastic buyer as the business has strong foundations in the local Sacramento area and could easily expand with a little sales and marketing; which the current owner has not been doing.
Commercial HVAC business points of interest
The many successes of this Commercial HVACs business and these include:
- The owner also owns the real estate the business operates from. This only adds to the money he makes as he’s not paying rent, plus keeps everything at a high standard so time is not wasted fixing unproductive problems. The real estate is for purchase at a separate price to the business of $130,000. The real estate is located in a light industrial manufacturing area off I-80 between Sacramento, CA and Roseville, CA.
- The business is open from 7.30am to 4,00pm Monday through Friday only and is closed on weekends.
- Being a business established in the same market for 31 + years, the business has an incredibly strong reputation.
- The purchase price includes a list of quality fixtures, furniture and equipment that are necessary to be successful in the commercial HVAC business.
In 2015, the gross revenue for the business per the owners tax return was $361,913 and for 2016 the gross revenue is expecting to be approximately the same. The owner net benefit or SDE (Sellers Discretionary Earnings) in 2015 was $166,417 and for 2016 it is expecting to be $170,000.
Finance to buy this Commercial HVAC business
If you hold the necessary license with the California Contractors License Board, finance is easily and readily available through a local SBA lender as they have already reviewed the performance of the business and provided a Preapproval letter. Additionally, if the circumstances make sense, you may be able to use your 401k retirement plan as a downpayment.
If you have questions about different finance options to buy this Commercial HVAC business, please visit this web page for more information about finance to buy a business.
More information about this Commercial HVAC business for sale in Sacramento, CA
To own and operate this Commercial HVAC business, you will need a valid license with the California State Contractors License Board with a C20 license.
If you have an interest to own and operate this very successful Commercial HVAC business, give Andrew Rogerson a call on 916 570-2674 or please send an email to Andrew Rogerson.
Andrew will then send you a one-page executive summary of the practice and a Non-Disclosure Agreement to sign and return.
Once Andrew receives your signed Non-Disclosure Agreement he will send a link to a secure website where you can download a set of confidential information about this Commercial HVAC business.
Free guide to buy a business
My goal is to be as helpful as possible and so this link connects to a page on my website with a one-page summary of the many steps to buy a business.
If you would prefer information with more details, you are welcome to click the following link to download a free 14 page eBook called Guide to buy a business. and an abbreviated version of one of the four books I’ve written.
Sell your Commercial HVAC business
Perhaps you are reading about this opportunity and already own a business in the Commercial HVAC industry and are thinking about selling it. There are many steps to sell a business.
If you are thinking of selling your Commercial HVAC business and would like some general information, visit the following link on Andrew’s website: Sell a business in California.