For sale: Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations
This highly successful retail adult gift store concept is ready for a new owner to take it the next level. The current owner has spent ten years defining and refining the concept. He is now ready to sell and look for a new challenge.
This business opportunity is completely turnkey with multiple retail locations successfully running in Central and Northern California. The stores are open 7 days per week. This proven concept is now ready for either franchising or growth across the United States with more retail locations.
Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations for sale
The strength and focus of the business is to attract customers that want to ask the most intimate questions in a non-judgmental environment. They leave not only with a purchase but also the knowledge of how to use that purchase effectively.
The business also has available, as a separate transaction, the real estate where one of the retail stores operates from. Additionally it also has a warehouse facility and could be used as security to obtain a conventional loan.
This Retail adult gift store with multiple Central and Northern California locations has been servicing the local communities and is ripe for expansion. The business also includes online sales that are handled independently of the retail stores. The owner drives traffic to it and then waits for his check to be sent to him.
Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations points of interest
There are many ways for the buyer of this business to be successful. These include:
- Expanding sales by reaching out to medical doctors that specialize in assisting patients with sex related issues.
- Working with schools and education providers that wish to educate the young. One California campus has already approached the business.
- Attending street fairs in high profile towns to build awareness.
- Costume events to educate on the use of clothes including, for example, fetishes or Halloween expo.
- Home parties for commission based group leaders. They can go into the homes of their friends and promote or sell different products and earn a commission.
- Expand the online sales accordingly
- Franchising. The business has a proof of concept with multiple retail locations and is ready to expand quickly and aggressively due to its proven business model.
- Building an education based online app for mobile devices and the easy purchase of products.
In 2014, the gross revenue for the business per the owner’s tax return was $1,025,445 and for 2015 was $1,219,165 with projected annualized sales for 2016 expected to be approximately $1,287,000. The owner net benefit or SDE (Sellers Discretionary Earnings) in 2014 was $207,121 and for 2015 it was $249,774 while for 2016 it is expected to be approximately $316,000.
Finance to buy this business
Unfortunately, buying this business with an SBA loan is not an option.
Other lenders have been approached to see if they would be willing to lend. Above all they may be willing to lend with a conventional loan. The seller is also making available some real estate used in the business which could then be used as collateral.
If you have questions about different finance options to buy this Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations, please visit this web page for more information about finance to buy a business.
More information about this Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations
To own and operate this Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations, you will need a valid business license in each city our county that you operate in California. There may also be local zoning ordinances that need to be met.
If you have an interest to own and operate this very successful retail adult gift store with multiple California locations, give Andrew Rogerson a call on 916 570-2674 or please send an email to Andrew Rogerson.
Andrew will then send you a one-page executive summary of the practice and a Non-Disclosure Agreement to sign and return.
Once Andrew receives your signed Non-Disclosure Agreement he will send a link to a secure website. There you can download a set of confidential information about this retail adult gift store with multiple California locations.
Free guide to buy a business
My goal is to be as helpful as possible and so this link connects to a page on my website with a one-page summary of the many steps to buy a business.
If you would prefer information with more details, you are welcome to click the following link to download a free 14 page eBook called Guide to buy a business. and an abbreviated version of one of the four books I’ve written.
Sell your retail adult gift store with multiple California locations
Perhaps you are reading about this opportunity and already own a business in the same industry and are thinking about selling it. There are many steps to sell a business.
If you are thinking of selling your Retail adult gift store with multiple California locations and would like some general information, visit the following link on Andrew’s website: Sell a business in California.