Meet Linda Bigler the business coach
Linda Bigler is a business coach that works one on one with business owners or CEO’s to help them define their goals, put a strategy in place, and hold them accountable in reaching them. I had a chance to interview her on Money 2.0.
Linda is also involved with the Metro Chamber of Commerce in Sacramento and is a member of the Arden Arcade Rotary, which has an alliance with the Children’s Receiving Home that Linda is also a board member of.
Linda talks about her business coaching background that followed her long career in high tech health care sales. She says she bought into ActionCOACH some years ago. ActionCoach is the largest business coaching franchise in the world. Linda notes that Brad Sugars founded ActionCOACH in Australia in 1993 and he now has over 1,100 coaches in 41 countries involved. She says the franchise has won a lot of entrepreneurial awards and she personally has found the ActionCOACH network resource to be one of the best resources she has ever had in her life.
Linda goes on to talk about why people hire business coaches. She says having an expert to hold you accountable is a huge piece of it. She says her expertise is in helping those clients in niche markets develop their unique selling proposition(s).
Linda talks about her Business Health Check, which is an initial client questionnaire she developed that gauges pre-clients to give her an idea on how they rate their own business. The questionnaire gauges everything from the client’s perception on their services, sales, budgeting, productivity, and more. She says when both business owners & managers and/or employees fill out the questionnaire separately, there is always greater insight on the various perceptions different team members have. Linda says she always uses the phrase “You Can’t Change What You Don’t Know”, adding that team alignment consulting is a type of coaching she does as well.
If you would like to hear my conversation with Linda Bigler, you are welcome to listen by clicking here. Linda was my second guests on this show. The conversation begins 26 minutes into the recording.